We loved the rodeo, spending hours in the grandstand, bums going numb, it started as early as 7.30 am going thru to 9.30pm on Sat and 7.30 thru to 5.OOpm on Sunday. We saw pretty much the full spectrum. The juniors started from Under 8 thru to Under 11-14 y.o.
Such a proud moment for the little tackers, especially when they actually got to stay on an animal, even if it was only for a fleeting few seconds. Hi- fiving their dads, no doubt displaying a few bruises, for Show and Tell at back to school this Monday.There was also a show called the Rooftop Spectacular. A professional unit, combining a bit of comedy, horsemanship, etc. The show was good under lights on Sat night and was then repeated in the daylight hours of Sunday afternoon. A weekend worth hanging around for. As soon as it was over, it was back to the bus for a happy hour with friends Ross & Kim, Ila & Kevin, all friends from Vic. Ros & Tony. from SA, Peter from NSW & John & Jo from Qld.
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