Tuesday, July 5, 2011


We arrived in Katherine, a big town with good facilites.  Needed to do all those jobs, once settled, laundry, shopping, getting to know the "neighbours" in the Big 4 etc.   Then we decided we had to visit the Katherine River and the Hot Springs.    After the last two hot pools we had visited, we were really looking forward to these.   We wished we had had some "pool noodles" at the last two, so when we saw some  at the Katherine $2 shop, we armed ourselves with 6 of them.Off we went, and what a disappointment the hot springs turned out to be.   The best way I can describe them is  --  disgusting.   Imagine taking a very lukewarm bath after ten other of your relatives had soaked in it.  Thats what it felt like and looked like.   Of course, even though we didnt like the look of it, we did all jump in.  It was only after you were in, that you regretted it.   Cant say what it was, it was crowded, it wasnt warm and it was murky.    Enough to have us rush back to the caravan park for hot showers and medicinal happy hour.    The next day we headed off to do a tour of the Cutta Cutta Caves, about 30kms from Katherine.  They were nice caves and it was enjoyable, but we have seen far better caves.  I was hoping to see the bats that live in the caves but we werent allowed to go that far in.    Then drove out the other side of Katherine about 70kms to see Edith Falls in the Katherine Gorge Nat.Park.  We were told there was a rockpool that we could swim in, and as its been pretty hot and sticky, we thought it would be great.   Well the falls were beautiful, but as you can see, quite small.   The water rushing over them was huge though, causing a very strong current.   The rockpool turned out to be more like a major lake.   It was freezing in the water though.    We managed to stay in for about a half hour, with our trusty noodles on hand to save us from being washed down river.  I managed to leave the safety of the step/rail and even had my feet off the river floor.  A big achievement for me.   It was a great day and the scenery was lovely.

We spotted this plane on someones property.  Perhaps it didnt quite make it back from that scenic flight over the Katherine Gorge.  There are enough helicopter joy flight operators here to make the skies quite busy.  There are 13 gorges in the National Park and you can only get easy access to 3.   A helicopter trip is the way to go, if you are cashed up.
We chose to do a 3 gorge cruise thru the National Park and it was spectacular.  Our guide was funny and informative, both with the aboriginal history of the gorge itself and the geology of the region.   Took so many photos we were so impressed with the rugged beauty of the place.   A warm sunny day, the water sparkled and the rocks were so many different colors, with lots of little waterfalls and foliage in nooks and crevices.   At the end of the 3rd gorge you trek for about 10 mins to this lovely waterfall and rockpool.  We had about 45 mins here, and you could swim in the very clear water.  Whilst we had all planned to do the swim, Rick and I were the only 2 of the 6 of us who were wearing their togs.    Rick decided he didnt want to go in the water and I  was really disappointed as I so wanted to sit under the waterfall but was too scared to do it by myself in case I slipped in and had to get a 5 year old to come save me.
On the way down to get the cruise boat, we encountered 100s of bats.  They are living in the trees surrounding the area closest to the boat launch.  They are absolutely stinking.  You hear their noise and smell their smell before you get to see them.  Never seen anything like it before, nor do I ever want to smell it again.Came back to the township itself and had a picnic by the river and then off we went to shop and stock up cos tomorrow we are heading off on our way to Kakadu.    Have been meeting quite a few motorhomers from the Southern Explorers a chapter group that we have spent a few weekends with .back in Feb and March. Yesterday whilst having a coffee, a motorhome pulled up at the back fence    of the caravan park and out jumped Ken & Edna, a couple from Sunbury that we have gotten to know.       Had a long catch up, said our goodbyes, hope to bump into you again one day, and then that afternoon, we saw them at Edith Falls.  We are now bumping into and or camping up with the same people as we all seem to be heading the same way and doing roughly the same distances each day.   Hopefully Kakadu isnt too crowded.   Darwin is chockers we hear.  Caravan Parks are being booked out 3 months in advance.                                                                                                                                                                    


  1. Well you did get to see some bats but doesn't sound like it was what you were hoping for. Disappointing about Katherine "hot" springs. But everything else sounds wonderful. What a trip!

  2. Hello Yvonne and Rick, Good to read that you are having a great time. Oh .. Yvonne ... In relation to the Katherine "Hot Springs" there is a place much worse than there ... for gods sake don't waste you time ever (I mean ever) going to the Piliga "Hot Springs" they are dirty and you may even slip on somebodies used bar of soap !
    As you go north don't forget to go to the Douglas Hot Springs. We found them great and we found them difficult to leave.
    Looking forward to reading your adventures and guess what ... the best bits start now ! Cheers
    Andrew and Jan
