Friday, July 1, 2011

Still In Alice

The pub is for sale, no customers prob. 6 months of the year as the road in would be impassable, plus no one lives out here except for the Ranger
The police station & jail cells, still rock solid after all these years
Sadly this biker lost his life when he hit a camel whilst riding with his Mates.  He was beheaded.  How horrible for his friends and family.  A fitting monument though.
We didnt leave Alice as planned.  Helen has been ill with a bad virus and ended up at the Hospital for 5 hours, so we all opted for another day here.   Rick and I took off to see Ross River, Grant had recommended.  Unfortunately it was looking pretty wet as we drove in and we were told by a local "if you get bogged, youre staying put"   Noone around to pull us out.  If we had been with another vehicle and/or had phone service we might have given it a go but we came across a large volume of water and the road the other side looked dodgy.  Turned around and came out.   Then headed north to Arltunga.  The first City in Aust. Established here because of gold.  Some of the old stone buildings have been restored, otherwise its pretty much just old empty buildings but lots of equipment still lying around and lots of interesting stories from the  Ranger here.  He gave us some demos of the old equipment and we wandered around all day.  You could enter a large no. of underground mines here, ladders for easy access, but a torch was needed.   I went down into one for photos, got heaps of little insects crawling thru my hair, and that was it for me.  Out like a shot.   Had a great picnic in the hills, and had to thank Helen for getting sick and giving us another day here.  Saw some wedge tailed eagles on the road with fresh bunny kill.   We had to come to a complete stop.  Then they flew off and so we took off road after them.  They dropped the bunny and so we all waited - Two eagles in the trees, the bunny in front of the car and us, cameras posied waiting for that perfect photo opp. as they swooped down.  Naturally their patience won out and we gave up.  They knew that bunny wasnt going anywhere.    Came back into town thru the East McDonnell Ranges, where we had camped previously.  Still in awe of their beauty.  We love Alice & the red Centre.  Wish we could stay.  The Royal Show is on July 2 and the Camel Races July 9.  We will have to save them for another time/year.  We will definitely be back here and for much longer next time.   Had 13 days here, not enough.   Vanessa from Imparja TV came for Happy hour and Helen, Eric & Vanessa were heading to the Casino, Ros & Tony to Bojangles Saloon and us, off for an early night.   We are leaving tomorrow for Tennant Creek and the Devils Marbles.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you are having heaps of fun and seeing so much. Nothing too exciting going on here, nothing worth reporting anyway! Still not back at puppy school, meeting with the vet Tuesday to see if we can work out what is wrong with the crazy girl! Work is busy as always. Purchased some more art for the house last weekend, got an invite to a gallery exhibition opening night for artist Sylvia Ji. Ended up buying 2 pieces for the wall. (she is artist we have 4 pieces from in the formal lounge!) will send you pics to your email. Talk soon. Xx JM
