Thursday, July 16, 2015

The worst ride of our life

Well we decided on Theebine as our next stop.   Old Pub 110y.o.  Sounded good.   We followed our GPS and thats when the nightmare began.   We turned onto a lovely narrow country road, that then turned to good hard gravel.   The GPS told us we had 1 and 1/2km to go till we needed to turn left.  The road started to get narrower and rougher.   We soon realised we were on a fire track.  There was no way to go back and no way to turn around, we just had to keep going and hope it was OK.  The trees all crowded in on us as we scraped them by, the track got really rough and there were huge washouts.  At one stage we almost tipped the bus over.  It was only by good driving that Rick managed to keep it upright.   I was a mess,   I was simply scared out of my wits.   Eventually we could go no further.  The track had such huge washouts that we knew we would never get thru.  We had passed a property that had a bobcat on it.  So I left Rick and hiked back thru the bush to the property.  It was locked up tight, no one home.   Walked to two more, same story.   One of the properties, I jumped the fence and had the company of 2 horses for about 5 mins as I tramped thru their paddock.  They were freaking me out as they nuzzled me and I was waiting for them to take a bite.    Anyway, all the homes I tried were empty.   So I staggered back to the bus, covered in sweat, dirt and prickles.     I asked Rick if we could perhaps fill the washouts with fallen timber and with no other alternative, thats what we did.  We went into the bush and dragged as many logs out as we could.  Most riddled with bullants, which I am allergic to.    Eventually we felt we had enough to give it a go.   If the wood failed, then the bus was pretty much either going to go over on its side or bury itself down to its guts.   Plus we had the car on the back and couldnt take it off, the tow hitch was locked up.   We both knew that it was our one and only hope and I was beside myself.   I have never felt so scared of a situation as what we were in.    Rick admitted he was scared sick as well and so I knew then we were in big trouble.     I guided Rick as he slowly inched up on the high side of one washout and the lower one took the weight of the logs, we then had to fill up the dips in front of the bus with logs as we inched forward.     We finally, very slowly made it over the worst part and came out onto bitumen.      It had taken us TWO hours to do the1 and 1/2lm.   The GPS didnt feel sorry for us.    We got on the bitumen for a few kms then she told us to turn Right and all we saw was gravel.  No thanks.    We ended up finding our own way back to the Freeway and what should have been a pleasant 1 hour between camps took 3 and half.    It was without doubt the worst experience we have ever ever had.     When we got to the pub, we were filthy, covered in dirt and I had a million twigs and prickles in my clothes plus, Id been wearing thongs and my feet were brown with dust.    Could not wait till we hit the BAR.

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