Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Margaret River to Pemberton

I am typing this and listening to the news of fires at Margaret River, so hope it gets under control without loss of life.

Margaret River - The town itself is quite small, you can walk up one side of the street and then down the other in about 20 mins.   Rick and I did some of the attractions - cheese factory, chocolate factory, nut & cereal factory etc. mostly it was all about the scenery.    We then left for Pemberton and camped up in the bush.  Nice camp but no service here.  Big Brook Dam is close by and it is a really beaut spot for swimming and great trout fishing.  Here is the Gloucester Tree, the highest working fire lookout in the world. You can climb the 153 rungs up 60Metres to the lookout if you are keen.  Naturally we didnt.
Our bush camp. The trees behind us are 90 y.o.
This was where I spent my birthday.  Deep in the bush, no internet no phone and Rick was sick as a dog.  Got sick Friday night and ended up for most of Sat. either huddled in a chair, in the toilet or sleeping in bed.   All the other campers left for a day of sightseeing and I was alone except for the magpies and rosellas.  I read a book and a half in the peace and quiet.    We stayed two days cos Rick was too weak and light headed to move one.   Even when we pulled out he still wasnt 100% and it took a couple of days to get over the bug.
We managed  couple of scenic drives, visiting Windy Harbor which was a recommended Camp spot for us.  Must admit it wasnt all that nice so glad we had chosen to stay in the bush instead.   The Karri Forests were stunning though.  They grow so tall and straight and their trunks are so pretty it makes you feel so good as you drive thru them.

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