The pool area looking very inviting behind that fence |
This above is our overnight rest area a few kms out of Bourke. It was very dusty but had a really nice feel to it and we didnt mind it at all. Shared this quiet spot with another motorhomer. Then we arrived at our caravan park, an oasis of green grass, gum trees and beautiful swimming pools. What a contrast. We enjoyed the pool after doing the "housework" and then with about 30 other people, enjoyed a campcookout by the campfire with entertainment by a local bush poet. It was a lovely way to end the day. The next morning we acquainted ourselves with Bourke, started off by using the "mud maps" of scenic drives you can take. The first was a waste of time and so we didnt bother with anymore. Visited the local cemetery to view the gravesite of Fred Hollows, our larrikin eye doc. He was a very well loved man and I think everyone who visits this town, would also visit his resting place. He studied to be a priest but died an atheist, was buried with sawdust (he loved woodworking) and a bottle of whiskey. He hated the Federal Govt. when he saw the neglect of the aboriginal people. In the 1970's he treated over 100,000 aboriginal people for eye problems that were either easily diagnosed or easily treated but were ignored. Thats an aussie hero for you. Father of 7 children, he worked right till the end of his cancer battle and his work continues today. Its always sad when you visit an old town and an old cemetery. We wandered around and viewed quite a few gravesites. So many babies and children dying in infancy. There was also an old mosque here, for the Afghan camel drivers who also came out here in the 1800's.

We also visited the Back of Bourke Exhibition Centre (also the tourist info centre) and watched a show The Legends of the Outback I think it was called, but I could be wrong here. Anyway it was supposed to be a showcase of the old days with teams of clydesdale horses, working dogs, bullock teams, and camels with a some good old aussie showmanship. What we got was 1 and 1/2 hrs. of sheer boredom. It was long and tedious and a waste of $$$$$. The Back of Bourke Exhibition Centre is beautifully designed and would have cost a lot of $$$ but once again, it was absolutely boring and not worth the admission price. So disappointing. A quick bite to eat in town and we cruised up and down the main street. A lot of the buildings in town have roller shutters on them to prevent vandalism which makes the place a little sad. I have pictured here the PO and the Court House. The furniture shop in the last photo was once the local picture theatre. The lady who owns the shop was happy to chat and talk about the history behind the movie theatre. At the back of this part of the shop the floor is raised on an angle as the old stalls seats would and all the furniture on display slopes with the angle of the floor. Its a weird feeling when you walk amongst it. Original posters from the movies are on display, found by her kids under the floorboards, all the beautiful old art deco light fittings are still there. This was also an outdoor cinema, because of the hot weather and she showed us out the backyard, the old projection room on stilts that still exists. The raised stalls seats were a permanent fixture and the seats in the lower area were moveable so that they could take them out and hold dances here. Not that impressed with this town. But at least we've been to the Back of Bourke. From here we went back to the caravan park, the pool and happy hour. Off towards Lightning Ridge next.
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