Saturday, April 13, 2013


I have to admit, that we have loved travelling in Outback NSW.   The weather has been beautiful.  Everyday the sky is brilliant blue, fluffy white clouds, the red of the dust and the green of the trees has made it a stunning visual.  Not at all what we had imagined.   The roadsides have been very lush and green.    But all along the roadsides is tufts of
Cotton Plant in our caravan park at Bourke
cotton.   It is a huge industry out here and into Qld, and the
amount of cotton blown of the bales being transported along the roads is amazing.   The farmers are extremely lucky that there is a fair bit of water in the river systems at the moment.   They dearly rely on them. Especially the Darling/Lachlan/Balonne Rivers that we have travelled over.   We never realised just how much crop was grown in the Outback.   Whilst they have harvested the cotton now, you can see all the huge yellow bales out in the fields waiting to be collected.  Literally 1000s and 1000s of acres growing cotton or crops of some sort.   These trucks are seen on the roads everywhere.   The other thing that has amazed us is the wildlife.    Every road we have travelled, we have had to watch the road sides so carefully.  Animals everywhere. Obviously feral goats are a huge problem, have only seen one feral pig so far and that was roadkill.    The road out of Bourke was full of emus.  We saw hundreds of them, they are great to watch, especially when they are running.   Apparently the last two years of drought have seen them not laying eggs.   God only knows what the population would have been if they had been fertile.  

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